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What is development Trends of Stereo Industry in 2017
Date:2017-09-06      View:10762Time(s)

Development Trends of Stereo Industry is Intelligence and Integration in 2017

Intelligence is the biggest trends of stereo industry development. After fused voice control and wireless technology, it realized improvement from single stereo to home intelligent control. It grabbed hearing market of youth start with Amazon’s ECHO and intelligent stereos launched by domestic BAT. 

Integration is other trends of stereo. Currently, the quickest development is integration of projection function. As a kind of different species in display market of modern youth, intelligent projection is helpful to realize all audiovisual functions of stereo. Bigger display size, smaller equipment and portability meet the requirements of current youth, comply with the trend of mobilize as well. There are variety classes of projection stereo were born, even also appeared manufacturers provide projection integration solution for stereo manufacturers. Shenzhen Hivista Technology Ltd. can provides full series of projection technology, i.e. brightness from 150 Lumens to 800 Lumens, throw ratio from 1.6 to 0.32 and so on. Hivista also provide free complete set of technology solution to large stereo production enterprise.

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